In Part 1 - we have covered the introduction, architecture, areas to cover and how to build compartments.

Areas covered so far :
- Building Compartments. ( Completed in Part 1)
- Building VCN’s
- Building Compute instances.
- Building Load Balancer.
- Building DB Systems.
- Create domain zones.
- Create WAF.
- Create VCN Flow logs.
- Create Load balancer Logging.
- Create object storage & replication policies.
- Create resources in secondary region.
- Create DRG’s in both regions.
- Remote peering connections.
- Validate connectivity between both regions.
Let's continue with creating VCN's in this article.
Building a VCN (Hyderabad Region):
Create a VCN by name WebVCN with the CIDR block – in Hyderabad region.
Under VCN - Click on create VCN and proceed with filling the details as below and click on create VCN.

It looks as below post creation -

Creating the following subnets -
public subnet - mgmtsubnet with CIDR -
public subnet - lbsubnet with CIDR -
private subnet - appsubnet with CIDR -
private subnet - dbsubnet with CIDR -
Steps for creating a subnet - (Appsubnet)

Similarly rest of the subnets should be created and it would be looked as below -

Create a private security list for the App subnet for allowing connections to & fro from the CIRD range for ports 80,8080 & 22.

Tag the PrivateSL to the Appsubnet and delete the existing tagged default Security list.

Creation of Internet Gateway:

Adding a route in the VCN's default route table to the internet using the Internet Gateway just created -

Creation of Service gateway for access to Oracle services from the private subnet -

Create a NAT Gateway:

Update the route rules for the AppSubnet to add the NAT gateway & Service gateway.

Let's continue with creating of Compute instances, DB Systems and Load balancer in the next part.
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